The children at our church are a fabulous bunch. They play well together, they listen well and they talk well - sometimes too well and it's hard to get them to be quiet. But it's their openness, honesty and limitless spirit of exposure that impresses me each time I sit with them or have them surrounding me when I speak, hand out drinks, or whatever is needed at the time.
We have a tendency as adults to overlook children. They are a significant part of God's church and we need to be mindful of their place, presence, giftings, encouragements and worries. Today we introduced the topic of prayer and in particular, The Lord's Prayer. When all the fun and games had ended we split the children into year clusters and I had an interesting conversation with three children from years 5 and 6. Having filled in a Prayer Survey together we compared our results and I was impressed at how honest these children were and how incredibly open they were and at ease explaining why they'd answered questions a certain way.

I'm passionate about the children in our church. God willing they will be our future leaders, worship team, kids workers and evangelists. We need to build, encourage and show them that being pint sized doesn't mean being puny before God. I'm looking forward to being on rota this term and seeing them learn about how they can stand before God, bold, courageous and full of faith, knowing that He hears every little word they utter when they speak with Him.
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